

Most of the links do work; contact web manager if broken links are found.


Dan Tien=>
Perfection and Harmony
Gloria Jenner- Reflections of a Retiring Sifu (Tongren)=>
Significance of 108=>

Signs of a Stroke- remember STR


T'ai Chi and "chemo brain"

T'ai Chi Hits Medical Mainstream 


T'ai Chi Weapons


Tao Te Ching Chapters


PTCC Brochure


Silk Reeling Exercise
Shibashi Qigong Form
Wen-Mai Yu 48-Form
Yang 16-Form
Yang 24-Form
Yang 108-Form
Newsletter for May 2022
Bruce Frantzis's Energy Arts System 
Canadian Martial Arts Supply - "Kung Fu Shoe" @$25.00 is ideal for T'ai Chi
Canadian Society of Dowsers
Canadian Taijiquan Federation
Chenoa Studio—Links to Wellness® 
Cold Mountain Internal Arts 
Community Drum Circle 
Five Oaks Centre (Annual Retreat Location)
Gilman Studio
London Taiji Quan=>
Mandala Book Shop 
Sam Masich 
Silk reeling energy exercise (Chan si jin) 
Dr. Steven KH Aung - Geriatric & family physician and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner 
Stuart Herbert's blog
Tai Chi Central 
T'AI CHI Magazine
Tai Chi Productions by Dr. Paul Lam 
World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day 

​​​Example videos- more to come...


A long form Yang family T'ai Chi Chuan- very similar to the Yang style practiced at Phoenix T'ai Chi Centre.

Below you will find a growing collection of links to helpful resources including: 

  • Articles
  • Handouts
  • Forms descriptions
  • Videos
  • Websites of friends in the T'ai Chi and Qigong community (and beyond)